Tunisian Talents United Workshop, July 12th, 2019, Tunis, Tunisia In the World Economic Forum, Global Competitiveness Index Report 2018, Tunisia Ranked 71/140 on Pillar number 6 “Skills” and 84/140 on Pillar number 12 “Innovation Capability. That’s impacting negatively the economic and social development, slowing the growth, inhibiting the transition to an economy of value creation […]
Talk By DL. Edmundo Tovar, Round table “Engineering Education Research” will be done during PAEE/ALE’s 2019 Conference which held on 10, 11 and 12 June 2019 | Hammamet Tunisia Denis Bédard is a professor in the Department of Pedagogy at the Université de Sherbrooke, Canada. Pr. Bédard received a Ph.D. in Educational Psychology from McGill University […]
NOOR 2019 will be held on 07-09 March 2019. NOOR conference concerns people interested in education and training issues (officials, trainers, educators, researchers, teachers, students, entrepreneurs, civil society). It is facilitated by more than 30 experts and includes panels, workshops and plenary lectures, immediately translated into Arabic, French and English. Educational institutions, and in particular […]