Education system Transformation for competitiveness and sustainable development, Tunisian Talents United Workshop
Tunisian Talents United Workshop, July 12th, 2019, Tunis, Tunisia
In the World Economic Forum, Global Competitiveness Index Report 2018, Tunisia Ranked 71/140 on Pillar number 6 “Skills” and 84/140 on Pillar number 12 “Innovation Capability. That’s impacting negatively the economic and social development, slowing the growth, inhibiting the transition to an economy of value creation and fading the country attractiveness toward Global investors and win mega projects. Investing in human capital through education has always been an important component of Tunisia’s national development, today the National Education system is facing challenges that are inhibiting it from achieving its traditional goals, society inclusion and sustainable growth.
Tunisian Talents United (TTU) Association, believes that skills competitiveness improvement, positive change and culture divergence in the society starts at the educational level in households, schools, and universities. The Transformation stakeholders to impact change, are young children, students, young professionals, and skilled workforce. Giving more value to professional training, modernizing the teacher’s curriculum, an upgrade of the education programs, a public and private sector partnership and the establishment of the mentoring and coaching practices are key reforms to achieve the development of Tunisian young talents. This is against best practices and best in class standards in the world as a benchmark. Also taking into consideration the worldwide evolution of education to meet the global future market requirements.
The transformation of Tunisia to become a lighthouse of the Mediterranean Basin and the African continent as a knowledge economy is a great vision to turn into reality. The country has the potential to develop the innovation and Technical hub position in the MENA Region.
Although the investment in new type of schools with strong emphasis on Information, Communication Technology (ICT) and the establishment of high-quality private schools. Linking education streams with employability and the unequal access to innovative education programs and platforms cross regions with the absence of an international accreditation systems of our national curriculums and diplomas are challenges that are impacting at the macro level our competitiveness as a country and at a micro level our youth future and talent development.
Encouraging collaborative relationships between universities and private and public sector employers, so universities are aligned with national, regional and global priorities. Along with the establishment of a national education strategy that reviews the education and vocation training systems and initiate a road map for structural reforms to build a high-quality education accessible to all, and create a national platform of innovation, scientific research and development. Along with the establishments of a competitive mechanism for research funding and operational autonomy and flexibility to education institutions while encouraging and maintaining a culture of academic freedom with student-centered philosophy, are topics that the Tunisian Talents United Association TTU, would like to discuss during its workshop about Education system Transformation for competitiveness and sustainable development, July the 12th 2019 in Tunis, Tunisia.
TTU Guests and Members will discuss the above mentioned challenges and opportunities cross three panels that are as following:
Panel 1:Developing Talents through Education: What skills are required for today and future global markets access and competitiveness?
Panel 2:Challenges that education system in Tunisia faces and therole of strategic dialogue and private and public sectors partnerships in its development and modernization for the creation of opportunities and promotion of sustainable and inclusive growth
Panel 3: Education and Employability:How to prepare our students and instructors for the Industry 4.0