Preparing Teachers and Students for Challenging Times in Engineering Education
Talk By DL. Edmundo Tovar,
Round table “Engineering Education Research” will be done during PAEE/ALE’s 2019 Conference which held on 10, 11 and 12 June 2019 | Hammamet Tunisia
Denis Bédard is a professor in the Department of Pedagogy at the Université de Sherbrooke, Canada. Pr. Bédard received a Ph.D. in Educational Psychology from McGill University in 1993. He has been an active researcher in the field of higher education teaching and learning, more specifically in the role of context on knowledge acquisition. He earned the «Glen L. Martin Best Paper Award » of the American Society for Engineering Education in 1997. Dr. Denis Bédard published several articles on the impact of pedagogical and curricular innovation on students and teachers. In 2009, he co-wrote a book entitled “Innover dans l’enseignement supérieur” published at the “Presses Universitaires de France”. One of his latest papers will appear in The Wiley Handbook of Problem-Based Learning (2018): “PBL in Medical Education: A Case Study at the Université de Sherbrooke”. He is currently the director of the Microprogramme de 3ème cycle en pédagogie de l’enseignement supérieur (MPES) at the Université de Sherbrooke.
Kristina Edström ([email protected]) is Associate Professor in Engineering Education Development at KTH Royal Institute of Technology. Since 1997, she led and participated in educational development activities at KTH, in Sweden and all over the world. She serves on the international CDIO Council and leads the research track in the annual international CDIO conference. She was awarded the KTH Prize for Outstanding Achievements in Education in 2004 and was elected lifetime honorary member of the KTH Student Union in 2009. Kristina holds a M.Sc. in Engineering from Chalmers, and a PhD in Technology and Learning from KTH. Her research takes a critical perspective on the why, what and how of engineering education development. In 2018, she was appointed Editor-in-Chief of the European Journal of Engineering Education.
Erik de Graaff (PhD) is a trained psychologist. He has been working in educational research and development for about 40 years. After stepping back from professorship, he is currently honorary professor (adjugeret) at the Aalborg Centre for Problem-Based Learning in Engineering Science and Sustainability under the auspices of UNESCO. Throughout his career, he contributed to the promotion of knowledge and understanding of higher engineering education with numerous publications and through active participation in professional organizations such as SEFI, IGIP, IFEES and ALE. In the course of his career, he published over 200 articles and papers and presented more than 70 keynotes and invited lecturers on various topics related to PBL in higher education. He was Editor-in-Chief of the European Journal of Engineering Education for 10 years (2008 – 2018).
Edmundo Tovar, received the computer engineering degree and Ph.D. degree in informatics from the Madrid Technical University (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, UPM). He is currently with the UPM as a Professor of information technology in enterprise. He has servedas an elected member of the Board of Directors of the Open Education Consortium (2009–2013), Executive Director of the OCW Office of the UPM (2008–2012), and Executive Director of the Open Education Office at UPM (2013-2016). Member of the IEEE Education Society Board of Governors (2005–2012) he is currently President elect (2019–2020) and President (2021-2022). He leads an Innovation Group in technologies applied to Open Education and he is Editor of the Information Technology / Information Systems Editorial Board of MERLOT.