Round table “New trends in education engineering” by Pr. Ilhem Kallel, Pr.Leslie Martinich and Pr. Al Martinich
Round table “New trends in education engineering” (interpretation and meanings) will be done during WIMTA’2018 on December 19, 2018 in Sousse
Pr. Leslie Martinich: Being the chair of IEEE’s central texas section, encompassing Austin and San Antonio, a member of the advisory and editorial board of IEEE Engineering Management society and the IEEE technology Management council, the founder of engineering leadership institute, the co-founder of Austin software executives’ group and a regular publisher in the IEEE Engineering Management Review.
Mrs Leslie Martinich has greatly contributed in the IEEE community.She is also passionate about helping leaders become more effective, for this reason she is the founder and the President of Competitive Focus: an Austin-based training group providing executive training to technology leaders around the world. And let us not overlook her career as a noted author and expert in technology leadership and innovation.
Pr. Al Martinich: A specialist in the history of modern philosophy and the philosophy of language, his books include Communication and Reference (1984), The Two Gods of Leviathan (Cambridge, 1992), A Hobbes Dictionary (Blackwell, 1995), and Thomas Hobbes (St. Martin’s, 1997). His book, Hobbes: A Biography (Cambridge, 1999) won the Robert W. Hamilton Faculty Book Award for 2000. He has also translated Hobbes’ Computatio sive logica: Part One of De Corpore (1981), is co-editor with David Sosa of the leading anthology on The Philosophy of Language(sixth edition, Oxford, 2013), and also co-editor with David Sosa of Analytic Philosophy: An Anthology (second edition, Wiley, 2012) and A Companion to Analytic Philosophy (Blackwell, 2001). He is Vice-President of the Board of Directors of The Journal of the History of Philosophy, and has twice held NEH Fellowships. He has lectuerd extensively in Chine and has published articles in which he applies analytic philosophy to Chinese philosophy.
Ilhem Kallel: is an A. Professor with the Department of Computer Science Engineering in ISIMS, and a researcher with Regim-Lab in ENIS (university of Sfax-Tunisia). Since 1988, Ilhem had many leadership positions and a rich professional experience dealing with developing and managing enterprise information systems within an industrial company, teaching fields of computer science and training of teachers. Ilhem Kallel is an IEEE member since 2001: from graduate student Member, to member, to senior member on 2014. Currently, she serves as a chair of Education Tunisia chapter for 2017-2018 and is the IEEE Tunisia section chair-elect of 2019-2020. On 2009, she was the founder and the past chairwoman of IEEE Tunisia Women In Engineering; she was one past chair of SMC and CIS Tunisia Chapters, the chapters coordinator in Tunisia Section for 2015-2016. Ilhem is a member of the DIS TC in SMC Society. She was the winner of the 2011 WIE Clementina Award for Region 8 for her professional and personal achievements; this award attests that she can serve as a role model for combining professional achievements and family life. Recently she wins the 2018 R8 Outstanding Women In Engineering Section Volunteer Award.