Talk about “THE VALUE OF GOOD ENGINEERING EDUCATION” during the 2nd International Conference on Education NOOR 2017
By education
10 December, 2017
Education Society – Tunisia Chapter had the pleasure to welcome Mr. the president of educational Society Pr. Claudio da Rocha Brito and Mrs. theSecretary of educational Society Pr. Melany Ciampi during NOOR 2017.
Pr. Claudio da Rocha Brito gave the opening speech and presented the IEEE Education Society.
Then, Pr. Melany Ciampi gave her presentation entiteled “THE VALUE OF GOOD ENGINEERING EDUCATION”. In fact, this talk was about discussing some aspects of engineering education trends and to present IEEE organization and IEEE Education Society.
The abstract of this talk is :
“This paper aims to discuss some aspects of engineering education trends, to show IEEE organization and IEEE Education Society. It is based in a large experience dealing with pedagogical aspects of higher education for almost 18 years. It will suggest organized tips and hints of how to enhance an engineering program in order to fit the present and future demands. Presently employers expect graduates to have attributes including team working, communication, leadership, critical thinking, and mainly problem solving capability and even managerial abilities, in addition to a knowledge of their degree subject. How can university cope with these demands? It has been a challenge that in special engineering colleges have been facing and it is time to rethink engineering education – if students are taught the skills of learning by themselves, then they will continue to learn on their own for the rest of their lives. How is this possible? Let’s see education under the perspective of organizations that dedicate their efforts to make engineering education for future.”